Help Support RocDog's Work in our Community. We are Serving in many different places.

RocDog Handler's & Puppies are making an Impact in the Community. Our Supporters are a big part of our Team.

Help Support RocDog's Work in our Community. We are Serving in many different places. image




RocDog Handler's & Puppies are making an Impact in the Community. Our Supporters are a big part of our Team.

Have you ever had one of those days that everything was going wrong? Did you ever wish you could just call time out? Even if it was just for a few minutes. The goal for our Handlers and Dog's is simple. Put smiles on faces. But sometimes this is hard for people. Just so caught up in life with a million things going on. But then, a Puppy comes into view, and heads right towards you. Your world stops for that moment. Is that Dog coming to see me? Oh yes, this is what I need.

At RocDog we look for those moments when we can connect with someone that just needs a few minutes to de-connect with their life and recieve the unconditional LOVE that a Dog can give. We see it every day, through the smiles and the tears. The statement we hear all the time is:

"Boy, did I need this today, thank you for sharing your Dog with me"

Help us reach more people in your Community with our Wonderful Therapy Dog's.